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What Can You Do About Uneven Breasts?

Admin • June 1, 2018
Female doctor choosing mammary prosthesis with her patient

Having breasts that are not equal in size or shape is a common malady: in fact, many women who undergo surgical procedures on their breasts do so due to noticeable asymmetry. It's rare for breasts to ever be fully identical, although slight differences in breast tissue from one breast to the other is often negligible.

Breast tissue is made up of milk ducts, lobes, fatty tissue, and other matter and it's extremely common for breasts (and nipples) to be uneven in appearance. Breast tissue is constantly changing due to hormones, weight gain (or loss) and even age, so your breasts may appear more asymmetrical at some times than others.

If having asymmetrical breasts is worrisome to you, rest assured there are many things you can do to give your breasts the more even appearance you'd like.

Breast Augmentation

If your breasts are more than a cup size in difference or you want even larger breasts than you currently have, then augmentation may be your best option. Your plastic surgeon will show you different silicone breast implant sizes to choose from (if augmenting both breasts, the implant sizes will differ to make the end results more symmetrical) and show you digital images of what your augmented results will look like.

It's wise to take sample implants home with you after your consultation to wear under your bra for a few days to decide what new breast size will be best for you. After you receive your breast augmentation, removing implants if you decide you don't like the size can be done, but may result in sagging breast tissue and even worse asymmetry in your breasts than before.

Breast Reduction

If your breasts are slightly uneven or you enjoy your current cup size, then speak to your plastic surgeon about a breast reduction in the larger of your two breasts. This option can also be done if you have more than a cup size in difference of your breasts and wish to keep the size of your smaller breast. Smaller breasts may fit your frame better or give you a perkier appearance.

Keep in mind that the more reduction is done in a breast, the more likely the same breast will have to have a lift done to make the tissue firm and perkier, and therefore more youthful. Your plastic surgeon will explain the pros and cons of breast reduction to gain better breast symmetry to you.

Breast Lift

A common problem with women as they age, begin having children, or breastfeed is sagging of the breast tissue. In some cases, breasts begin to sag away from one another, so even if they are similar in size, the breasts will appear asymmetrical in their placement.

A breast lift is a surgical procedure done by a plastic surgeon; sagging tissue is removed and the breast is lifted to a higher point on the chest, placing the nipples in a more natural place. Your breast lift will not make your breasts appear larger unless you are getting breast implants done at the same time but will give your breasts a more symmetrical placement and a perkier appearance you can enjoy.

Having asymmetrical breasts can make it difficult to find bras that fit or to wear clothing comfortably. You are not alone, as many women feel discomfort in the way their breasts look side-by-side. You can do something about your uneven breasts; the first thing to do is make an appointment with a plastic surgeon skilled in cosmetic and reconstructive breast surgery.

Write down all questions you have regarding your breasts to share with your plastic surgeon during your consultation. Our skilled surgeons will help you choose the right solution for your asymmetrical breast condition today; call us at the office of Ronald C Barry MD, FACS.

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