Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty Surgery in Northern Michigan

Abdominoplasty Surgery in northern, Michigan

What is an Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck?

A bdominoplasty is the medical term for what is commonly referred to as a tummy tuck. This procedures removes excess skin and some fatty tissue to give you a flat and firm abdominla profile. It is not meant for those who are significantly overweight. Instead, it helps those who are unhappy with that little pouch of excess skin of the lower abdomen after having children or for those who have undergone a significant weight loss transformation and are left with hanging skin.

Qualifying for the Tummy Tuck Procedure

If you have loose, excess skin around your abdominal area due to substantial weight loss or child birth, you are likely a candidate for this surgery. If you are a non-smoker with good overall health and realistic expectations, Dr. Barry can help you achieve significant results. The question regarding if this procedure is covered by insurance is frequently asked. Insurance may cover the cost of the surgery if the patient has lost over 100 pounds, if there is a signficant amount of excess skin and if there are other medical issues such as chronic rashes that have not totally resolved despite medical treatment.  

Preparing for the Procedure

If you have undergone weight loss and are interested in having this procedure, it is best if your weight hass been stable for at least three months before having surgery. Dr. Barry will instruct you to stop taking aspirin products two weeks before the surgery. 

How it Works

The procedure is performed by creating an incision above the pubic area, which may be longer or shorter depending on how much excess skin you have. Dr. Barry will then dissect under the lower abdominal skin, tighten the muscle, reposition the belly button if necessary and remove the excess tissue. Depending on your condition, the doctor may combine the procedure with liposuction for best results.

The Recovery Process

After your operation, you will wear a compression garment to help reduce swelling and support the incision area during the healing process. Dr. Barry will give you instructions which you should follow to the best of your abilities. A complete abdominoplasty usually requires avoidance of excessive acitivty for up to six weeks. 

Try a Tummy Tuck Today

You deserve to feel and see the results of your hard work after extensive weight loss or to restore your appearance after having children, Ronald C. Barry MD, FACS is here to make that possible. Set up a consultation with us by phone today. 
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