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Serving the Great Lakes Bay Area

3 Tips for Maintaining Your Liposuction Results

Admin • June 6, 2018
plastic surgeon marking womans body for surgery

Liposuction is an excellent cosmetic procedure for targeting stubborn areas of fat and improving your appearance, but liposuction is not permanent. Fat cells in your target area are destroyed during the procedure, but liposuction does not halt the body's ability to create new fat cells, which means you can regain the weight.

The ideal candidate for liposuction is a person committed to keeping their weight off, long-term. Learn how you can maintain your liposuction benefits.

1. Raid the Pantry

Processed food is a leading reason for weight gain and the onset of dangerous diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure. Processed foods are basically those selections that are already prepared. Frozen pizza, ready-made dinners, canned vegetables and deli meats are just some processed foods that people commonly buy.

Meal prepping is a helpful tool to avoid processed foods. When you're hungry, instead of reaching for a quick processed meal, you will be able to eat a healthy selection. Once you have your mind set on liposuction, it's time to raid the pantry, your freezer, and your refrigerator to replace all the unhealthy items with fresh produce and lean meats.

If you continue with bad eating habits, the body will replace the targeted fat cells, and the fat cells in other areas of your body may expand.

2. Hire a Trainer

A personal trainer can help you maintain the benefits of your liposuction. People who generally have liposuction aren't concerned with excess fat all over their body, but instead have an area or two where they can't seem to achieve the results they want. There is no way, aside from surgery, to target fat in a specific area.

However, a personal trainer can develop a custom plan that helps you strengthen the areas where you are most concerned about fat. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn throughout the day, which can also help you keep your weight within a targeted range.

Aim to exercise vigorously with or without your trainer for at least 150 minutes a week. You should also commit to at least 30 minutes of physical activity each day for the best results.

3. Minimize Stress

Stress is directly linked to weight gain, and stress can erase the effects of liposuction from two different directions. On the one hand, stress can increase the likelihood of you overheating. And the more you eat, the more calories you have to burn to prevent weight gain.

If you're eating more, even if it's healthy food, your body may reproduce the fat cells that were previously eliminated. Stress eating can also make you crave unhealthy options, including foods with high amounts of sugar.

On the other front, stress releases a hormone called cortisol, which may make it harder for you to lose weight, even when you are taking measures to keep your weight under control. A common reason for stress is overextension, such as committing to engagements that you know you don't have the time for in your schedule.

Do what you can now to minimize those activities that aren't necessary so that you have more time to rest and recoup. You should also consider investing in a planner. Keeping track of what you need to do each day can help you stay on task and minimize stress. Less stress is also helpful for your recovery from liposuction.

Achieving the body you want is a partnership between you and your surgeon. If you're ready to uphold your end of the bargain, the office of Ronald C. Barry, MC is here to do their part. Contact our practice so that we can discuss your liposuction options and help you achieve the body you've been dreaming of.

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