What is Liposuction?
Liposuction is a helpful procedure for those who, despite diligent diet and exercise, have stubborn residual fat in their problem areas. Contrary to popular belief, it is not meant for those who are overweight but to create proportionality in all areas of the body. Liposuction is merely a way to give your body that little extra help in the areas that don’t respond to weight loss techniques.
Qualifying for Liposuction Surgery
The ideal patient for liposuction surgery is a person in good health with localized fat deposits in the hips, thighs and abdomen. The best candidates are those who are average or a little above average in weight.
How it Works
Before operating, in the pre-operative area with you standing, Dr Barry will mark out the areas that will be treated. After you are in the operating room and under anesthesia, an anesthetic fluid is injected into the surgical area that helps reduce pain and bleeding post-operatively. The liposuction surgery is performed using a cannula attached to a vacuum, which enters under the skin through a small incision near the target area. The fat is essentially vacuumed out of the body.
The Recovery Process
Patients tend to heal very quickly after liposuction. You will need to wear a compressive garment for several weeks. We expect that you will be able to return to work in a matter of days. Normal activity can be resumed after a couple of weeks. As you recover, counsel with Dr. Barry on how to best maintain your results.
Learn about Liposuction
If you have further questions, contact our office. We’ll schedule a time with you to learn about the procedure with Dr. Barry and determine whether it’s right for you.