No matter how much dieting or exercising they do, some people just can't achieve a perfectly flat stomach naturally. Factors like age and pregnancy can make the stomach protrude outward. Luckily, tummy tuck surgeries are available. During a
tummy tuck
, a surgeon removes excess fat and skin from the abdomen, giving it a flatter and firmer appearance.
If you are thinking about getting a tummy tuck, it is important to take good care of yourself after the surgery to avoid complications. Here are six tips for recovering from a tummy tuck.
Have a Family Member or Friend Help
After you have gotten a tummy tuck procedure, it will be difficult for you to stand on your own and do normal activities for a couple of days. That is why you should ask a close friend or family member to stay with you in your home for at least two days. He or she may help you accomplish simple tasks, like showering, getting dressed, and making meals.
Take It Easy
While you are recovering from your tummy tuck, you should refrain from doing any strenuous activities, like lifting heavy items. You may also have to take off time from work in order to fully recover. If you work a desk job, you may be able to return to work within 10 days. However, if you have to move around a lot at your job, your doctor may advise you to take a few weeks off.
Don't Smoke
A tummy tuck procedure requires you to stop smoking for at least four weeks after the surgery. The chemicals in cigarettes increase the risk of clotting, which reduces blood flow to the operated area. If you smoke during your recovery, you can delay the healing process.
Eat the Right Foods
What you eat after your tummy tuck can make a big difference in the recovery process. Eggs, chicken, and other foods high in protein, for example, can help you heal faster from your surgery. Eating foods that are rich in vitamins A and C can reduce your risk of infection. Zinc-rich foods, such as nuts and whole grains, can also help your body recover faster.
Foods that contain high amounts of salt should be avoided after your surgery because they can cause bloating.
Move Your Body
Although vigorous activities should be avoided for now, you still need to move your body every day. This will reduce the risk of blood clots and prevent your body from getting too stiff. Start out by walking around your house a couple of times each day. If you have trouble doing this on your own, ask a family member or friend to help you.
Follow Your Surgeon's Instructions
It is crucial to follow your surgeon's instructions after the tummy tuck surgery. He or she has performed this surgery many times before and knows what it takes to have a successful recovery. For example, if your surgeon advises you to wear compression garments for a month, you should not remove them any earlier. If he or she tells you to schedule a follow-up appointment a week after the procedure, don't skip your appointment.
Recovering from tummy tuck surgery will have its ups and downs. If you take great care of your body during the recovery process, you will be less likely to experience complications. However, if you do suffer a complication from the surgery, such as an infection or changes in skin color, you should let your doctor know as soon as possible.
If you have any other questions about tummy tucks,
Ronald C Barry MD, FACS.