Breast Reconstruction

Restorative Breast Reconstruction in Northern Michigan

Serving the Great Lakes Bay Area

Restorative Breast Reconstruction in Saginaw, Michigan

The Reasons Behind Breast Reconstruction

Cancer, congenital deformities, and trauma; these illnesses and conditions have robbed many women of their positive self-image. Fortunately, a solution will allow you to eradicate the evidence of these events and help you to move forward with confidence. Breast reconstruction is a procedure that can rebuild the shape and look of your breasts. You have a wide variety of reconstruction options.

Breast Reconstruction Types

When it comes to the procedure, you have two main options to choose from. The first option is to receive silicone or saline breast implants. The alternative is to use your own body tissue to reconstruct the area. Sometimes, Dr. Barry will use a combination of both techniques to achieve the most natural-looking result.
There iis an option to have this surgery at the same time as your cancer treatments, which is now by far the most common way to proceed or to delay your reconstruction until after your full recovery. Consult with your doctor to determine which reconstruction method is right for you. This decision will be based on your preferences and when your body is ready to have this operation.

Frequent Patient Concerns

Many of our patients are weary about reconstructive procedures. This is understandable. If you are considering this surgery, rest assured that reconstruction does not make cancer come back, nor does it hide cancer or typically hamper receiving chemotherapy or radiation. 

Put Your Fears to Rest

Dr Barry wants you to be comfortable about your breast reconstruction. It defintely is a confidence booster for many patients. Dr Barry will coordinate your reconstruction with your breast surgeon and, if need be, work with your oncologist if chemotherapy or radiation treatments are needed. Consult with Dr. Barry early to decide if and when breast reconstruction should be done. Dr Barry looks forward to the day you can put the breast cancer diagnosis behind you and you can feel good about looking in the mirror. 

A Note About Recent Breast Implant Recalls

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